
Whale Track: Learning from your sightings
Online via Zoom
Wednesday 26th June, 7pm - 8pm
Hosted by Hebridean Whale and Dolphin Trust
Whale Track is a community of citizen scientists recording cetacean sightings, but what is done with this data and how can you get involved?
Citizen science is at the heart of what we do here at the Hebridean Whale and Dolphin Trust. Our Whale Track community records whale and dolphin sightings across Scotland, helping to better our understanding of our seas and advocate for their protection.
But what can we learn from your sightings? What have your sightings revealed about our seas? And how has HWDT used this data for conservation? This talk aims to address these questions, and more!
Please book via this link: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/whale-track-learning-from-your-sightings-tickets-904790702347


Natter for Nature: nature, creativity and wellbeing
Cnoc an Soillear, South Uist and online
Thursday 27th June, 11am - 12pm
Hosted by Bumblebee Conservation Trust
We’ve brought together a trio of experts to talk together about themes connecting nature, creativity and wellbeing. For example, does a creative approach help connect us with nature, and lead to greater wellbeing? Does a greater level of connection to nature result in benefits to nature as well? There will be an opportunity to pose your own questions to the panel.
The event will be both in person and online. If you would like to attend in person please email: katy.malone@bumblebeeconservation.org
If you would like to join in online, please email: andy.benson@bumblebeeconservation.org
The panel: Gill Perkins, CEO (Bumblebee Conservation Trust), Vanessa Wright, nature writer, and Shona MacLellan, Community Engagement Officer (RSPB).
Suitable for anyone interested in a discussion of the topics of creativity, nature and wellbeing. No physical fitness required. Recommended age range 9-99.
Image: Dave Goulson